How to learn web-development for beginners.

Vaibhav goyal
4 min readJan 26, 2021

I am a beginner in web development just 5 months ago but now i am a full stack web developer and do freelancing and i am just a first year college student.

Do you also wanna become a web developer but don’t have a clue how to start? If, yes than make a read of this article i am going to tell you everything form How to start? to How to master? and also How to solve your doubt’s if you get stuck.


So first thing first you start by selecting what you wanna learn . Let me tell you here are two parts of web development. Front end development and back-end development combining two skills will result in a full stack developer.

Front end deals with the part that faces the user in technical term the client side the beauty that attracts you towards a website is the client side. Designing, positioning and font everything that you see on a website is done using front end. For front end development you have to learn three things HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I will cover them one by one below make a read i have gathered all the important resources as well.


HTML stands for “Hypertext Markup Language” don’t worry it is very simple compared to it’s definition. Many resources are available to learn HTML but my personal recommendation is MDN docs and W3 schools. Here is everything you need to know about HTML make a read to one these docs.

Text editor

I recommend to spend just two or three days on html just understanding the concept and not to learn each and every element because at ant point of time you can google that. So now how do you going to write this code on your computer you can use any text editor that you want to but i recommend VScode, atom you can use anyone of these. They both provide different plugins that make your life really easy.

After you have downloaded one of these and installed on your pc. Now you are ready to install some plugins based on your editor if you have installed vs-code than click on vs-code extensions and if atom than click on atom plugins.


Now you are ready to write code. Just make a file and start writing your html be familiar with syntax and idea and head over to CSS which stands for “Cascading Style Sheets”. HTML is like a building block of website it provides a structure to your website and CSS is used to style your website to make it attractive so people really love it. Here are links to some really good resources on internet that you can use to learn CSS MDN-docs or W3-schools. These both are my personal favorites i often use both of them.


Now after you have created a structure for your website and designed your website. Here one thing is missing your website is looking really good but where is the functioning your website really don’t does anything you have created just a page that has some information on it and which is designed beautifully but where is the functioning like some sort of calculations and pop-ups and every function that you can think of.

Here comes the role of Javascript programming language that use in building websites. It’s basic idea is just like any other programming language like c, python, etc. This will require some extra time to practice but this extra time worth it. Most of the websites that are present on internet today is made by using javascript it is the most loved language among web developers here again comes role of documentation MDN-docs, W3-schools.

Now you know what you have to learn and how to start and learn useful parts of building a website.

Doubt solving

What if you have a doubt in some topic? and you want to know solution to it but you don’t have any network that an answer you that. Here comes the doubt solving part which is very important because in starting every developer only makes errors not code and it is really natural. Here a god like website for developers “stack overflow” you can get answer to your every question by searching it on stack overflow you most probably find that question and in some case if not that make a new question and post it on stack overflow you will definitely get your answer.

Now here is end of front end from my side but not from yours keep learning and keep growing. I will post another article for back-end part otherwise it will be very hectic to know that much in a single article



Vaibhav goyal

I am a first year college student and a full stack free lancer web developer